Archive | February, 2016

Abbi’s Words

4 Feb

All evening – since receiving it – I have been deliberating over how to introduce this guest post.

To be honest, no words seem to come close enough to express the feelings I felt when I read them. Not only the sentiment but the sheer mastery of language and rhythm.

I was approached by the author’s mum last week. She told me that her daughter was very keen on writing and had been enjoying reading my blog. She liked my writing style and really wanted to write something for me to have a look at. How can anyone ignore such enthusiasm.

What I read, though, was way beyond my expectations.

The young lady who wrote these words is just 12 years old.

She sits in a classroom for an hour and a half, once a week, with Pickle.

These are Abbi’s words:


Pickles uniqueness led me to write this description today.

I had never met anyone like him before. He was gentle yet

A total contradiction.

I knew there was something different but I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was.

His presence fills the room. Completely.

Everyone loves to be around him.

Listening to his stories. His jokes. His laugh.

As he moves around in his own secret world I feel compelled to protect him.

From loneliness.

From fear.

From isolation.

Like magnets attracting, Pickle gravitates towards adult company:




And all is well with the world again.

To this day, Pickle inspires me.